Plan a Community Project
Stream sampling teams can build community interest and involvement in a local stream by organizing a variety of community projects that can improve stream health and serve as an educational opportunity.
In addition to the suggestions below, the Arkansas Watershed Steward Handbook is also an amazing resource. Chapters 4 and 5 of the handbook focus on Improvement Activities and Community-Driven Opportunities.
Tree planting events are a good way to engage community members in a project that beautifies the community and improves water quality.
Trees protect waterbodies by providing shade, limiting erosion, and absorbing excess stormwater and runoff pollution.
Helpful Resources:
Trees for Wildlife Event Planning Guide, National Wildlife Federation
Living Along a Kentucky Stream, UK Cooperative Extension Service
Planting Along Your Stream, Pond, or Lake, UK Cooperative Extension Service
Tree Planting Demonstration video, UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment
Community and youth groups are often looking for service projects. A creek cleanup can show immediate impact!
Litter pickups can be conducted along a stream, river or lake, in your neighborhood, or on public property.
Helpful Resources:
Cleanup Guide, Kentucky Waterways Alliance
Tips on Handling Litter, Bluegrass Greensource
Organize Your River Cleanup, American Rivers (applies to creeks too!)
Kentucky’s Litter Abatement Program for local and state support, Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
Ohio River Sweep, can help with supplying shirts, bags, and gloves
How to Conduct a Litter Pickup, Stream Style!, Missouri Stream Team
Help draw attention to the fact that water that enters storm drains goes STRAIGHT to a natural waterway, rather than the local treatment plant.
Helpful Resources:
Storm Drains, Bluegrass Greensource
Lexington’s Adopt-A-Storm Drain Program, Lexington Fayette Urban County Government
Storm Drain Stenciling How-To Manual, Missouri Stream Team
Create a rain garden in a low area of your lawn where stormwater runoff can collect and slowly percolate into the ground. This reduces flooding and filters out pollutants!
Helpful Resources:
Rain Gardens for Health Rivers and Streams: An At-Home Guide to Improving Water Quality, Cumberland River Compact
Rain Garden Manual, Bluegrass Greensource
Organize a group outing to appreciate your waterway firsthand and enjoy some kindred nature lovers!
Helpful Resources:
Blue Water Trails, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
Create habitat areas that support local wildlife and provide important ecological functions.
Helpful Resources:
Certified Backyard Habitats, Kentucky Waterways Alliance
Kentucky Habitat Improvement Program, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife
Environmental Quality Incentives Program, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Live stakes are branches cut from trees, most often willow trees. They are planted along streams to stabilize banks with their root system and provide other riparian benefits.
Helpful Resources:
Video on Planting Live Stakes, Friends of Curry's Fork
Guide to Harvesting and Planting Live Stakes for Stream Restoration, Alabama Extension
Source for live stakes, Native Forest Nursery
Informational signs in public spaces can help build awareness and educate the community about their local waterways and watersheds, as well as other basic water quality concepts.
Helpful Resources:
What is a Watershed? sign example
Join the Kentucky Watershed Network
The KWN is a network of watershed groups across Kentucky that work together and support each other to increase collective impact to improve water quality for the wildlife & people who rely on clean water. KWA & the Kentucky Watershed Network will provide general and technical support & resources on how to get started and move forward on water quality issues, solutions, and actions.
More info is available here.
Stream Walk
Helpful Resources:
Planning a Stream Walk, Alabama Water Watch
Streamwalk Guidance, Trout in the Classroom