Sampler Training Modules

All samplers need to be updated on new procedures and practices for the 2024 Sampling Season.  These modules will be covered through a combination of self-paced, online modules (see below) and in-person sessions.

These modules should be completed before attending an in-person training session.

Module 1: Overview of KYWW
Module 2: Completion of the New Data Form
Module 4: Using the R-Card Procedure for Bacteriological (E. coli) Assessment
Module 5: Using the New Database (COMING SOON)

You can find a current listing of scheduled in-person training sessions HERE.

Modules 1 & 2: Sampling Program Overview and Using the Data Form

Module 1 provides an overview of the purpose of stream monitoring through the Kentucky Watershed Watch program and the general approach and activities involved in participation. 

1) WATCH Training Module 1 

2) COMPLETE Module 1 Quiz

Module 2 explains how to fill out the data form to record stream observations and sampling results. You will later enter the information into the online database portal for public viewing.

1) WATCH Training Module 2 

2) REVIEW Instructions for Completing the Data Form

3) COMPLETE Module 2 Quiz

Module 3: Water Chemistry

Module 3 provides guidance on using the sampling equipment to measure temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and conductivity.

1) WATCH Water Chemistry Sampling Video


3) COMPLETE Module 3 Quiz

Module 4: Bacteriological Monitoring

Module 4 provides guidance on using the R-card method of analyzing E. coli bacteria concentrations in streams.

1) WATCH R-Card Training Presentation

WATCH R-Card Demonstration Video

2) REVIEW Instructions for R-card Method

3) COMPLETE Module 4 Quiz

Module 5: Data Portal Use

Coming Soon

Module 6: Habitat Assessment